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pa_bell's avatar
Oct 09, 2014

Getting back home w/ Rylee

Our first extended camping trip lasted 21 days. When we got home Rylee, a 2-year old lab did not want to leave where the camper was parked. He wanted no part of coming in to the house. It took 1 1/2 hours with a lot of ball playing and coaxing to get him to come in.

Any one else experience this behavior in their puppies?
  • We have always camped with dogs. Lucy, our pit bull is SOOO smart. She knew when we were hitching up to go for inspection or storage- no big deal. She knew when we were starting to load up to go camping. The key for her was when I set the timer on the living room lamp. I learned to save that for the last minute, because when she saw that, zoom, off she would go to get in the TV!
    We never had a problem getting home, everyone was glad to get back to their nice bed, yard and television!
    Today will be a rough day. The van will be hitched to the trailer for the last time in our possession. The dealership is coming to pick them up, and I'm trading on a car. DH passed on Labor Day. Lucy is too old for camping anymore, and I will hang up the keys.
    I have many wonderful, funny memories of camping. Enough to last.
  • We have been gone for a month at a time and our fur gang is always ready to get home. They love the camper, but there is no place like home.

  • Our dogs get confused. They are so excited to go on an RV trip, but happy to be home because of the freedom of being off leashed. In the motorhome they absolutely adore sitting on the dashboard and taking walks. I think it's all about being left behind and being with us.
  • I think it's normal...they just have so much darn fun they don't want it to end, can't say as I blame them!

  • My female lab will be six next month and she has done this from trip one. She was one when we got her and she was a born camper. Biggest issue was when we had the FW and would do an overnighter, next morning was a chore to get her out of the FW and into the truck.

    I can touch any key in the house and she is fine but jiggle the MH keys and game on. Doesn't matter if it is a two day or two week trip when we get home we park the MH, unload, go inside and leave her in the MH with the door open. Usually about three hours later she will come crawling through the doggie door with the most pitiful face, look at us and then put herself to bed.
  • Many times. Amanda would stay in the passenger seat for hours while we unpacked. Had to put a leash on her to get her to leave the RV. Jill is starting the behavior now, she'll get out but try to get back in the RV rather than go in the house.

    They are trying to tell us something!!
  • Can't say that I have. When they know we're going they don't want to leave the camper. But then I've never been away for that length of time.

    It's funny though!! :-)