Forum Discussion

Deb_and_Ed_M's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 29, 2014

Glimmers of brilliance ...LOL!

One of the first things I try to teach my dogs is "show me". Take me to the problem - are we out of food or water; or is there a goose in the yard? Need to go out and I can't see that you're standing at the door? Stuff like that. Ben is pretty good at it.

Ben is just a year old - and as a rule, I say I don't even like dogs until they're at least 2 ;-) But last night he blew me away: he was sitting in the office, whining. The first time I got up to see what his problem was, he was just sitting, with his favorite blue ball next to him. I thought it odd, if he wanted to play, that he didn't just bring me the ball (he's a fetchin' fool!) I gave it a toss and went back to the living room. 2 minutes later, he's sitting in the office again, next to his ball and looking at it and whining. I walked in - saw the repeat of 2 minutes before - and walked out, saying "You have to bring me the ball if you want to play"

A minute late - serious whining. "MeeeeeYowwwww" (yes, my dog sounds like a cat). I went back in the office, and he's still staring at his ball; then looking at me..... and the light goes on: I got on my hands and knees, and dug 3 tennis balls and a Kong out from under my desk! I think he was trying to show me what he wanted?!

How do they tolerate us poor dumb humans?
  • Katie is our communicator. If Katie is in a hurry and I'm not going fast enough for her she'll nudge my back legs like lets get moving. If Charlie is stuck outside or inside she lets us know. If she see's a dog she lets Charlie know, otherwise she doesn't care if a dog walks by our house. What cracks me up is when she's in s hurry to go outside and if Charlie's behind her she gets on the other side of the doggy door and slaps the flap. Charlie is stuck in the laundry room barking because Katie's blocking the entrance. All Katie wants is Charlie to hurry and go through the doggy door. She doesn't have the faintest idea she's blocking the door. Once their both outside Charlie looses his temper and scolds her.
  • Some smart dogs out there for sure!

    Ours was taught early on to flip his bowl over if it was empty. Now he does that all the time. Surprisingly he doesn't flip the water dish over.

    Another trick he'll do is pant in your ear if he wants water in the middle of the night. It's different if he needs to go outside, then he'll paw at you.

    I wonder how much training our dogs gave us :)
  • Penny is a very good communicator. When she's hungry she'll smack her bowl with her claws. And when her water dish is empty, I can hear it rolling around the kitchen. Aren't they great?!! Agnes
  • My dog Sandy does the "follow the eyes" thing too! She communicates quite well if *I* listen.
  • USA Traveler wrote:
    A empty water or food is unacceptable in Cody's world. He stands in front of it just staring and then looking at me. If that doesn't get my attention, he sits "pretty" in front of me, looking from me to his dish. He may be spoiled, but that is my fault and now he is set in his ways:)

    Jimmy does the "follow my eyes" thing...LOL! If I'm having a snack, like pretzels and cheese dip, I can hold up a pretzel in one hand and the dip in the other..... ask him if he wants his pretzel dipped, and those serious brown eyes of his will go to the dip, then back to my eyes. :-)

    He asked me, one day, if he could get into the trash! I told him "no" one that one.....
  • A empty water or food is unacceptable in Cody's world. He stands in front of it just staring and then looking at me. If that doesn't get my attention, he sits "pretty" in front of me, looking from me to his dish. He may be spoiled, but that is my fault and now he is set in his ways:)
  • Poquita was just a few months old when she brought me her water dish to show me it was empty. How to instill a serious guilt trip on Mom, huh? Some of these little guys are just spooky smart.
  • Isn't that cool, Good Boy Ben.
    I have a little story like that too, Few years ago we were traveling, stopped at a Hotel. Our Maggie was with us, doggie was fed and out for the night.
    I was sleeping and felt a paw scratching my hand, woke up and ask Maggie what she wanted, she jump off the bed, did a 360 turn, I got up she ran to the bathroom door waited for me to catch up, she ran to the toilet looked into it and looked up at me a few times.
    I forgot to put fresh water out for her before going to bed, and she was telling me she was thirsty.
    We were amazed that she figured out how to wake me to tell me what she needed.
  • We had the very first dog in Florida trained to find termites with her nose.

    The training was six months long and I, as the handler, had to go to the kennel every day, six days a week for training sessions. Bugsy was taught to sit at the spot she found termites.

    One day, Bugsy sat and looked up at me. I guess I was dreaming and soon the trainer said to me: “Bugsy is giving you a clear sign she found termites and you are ignoring her. WHAT DO YOU WANT HER TO DO? WRITE YOU A NOTE?”

    Since then it has been a private joke in our house. “Need a note?”