pennysmom09 wrote:
jfkmk wrote:
if you know the dog tries to bite anyone, don't take it camping. Who wants to camp next to a potentially "vicious" dog?
My goodness, such over reactions from some folk. Nipping at a child Is so far from vicious its comical. A little training on the part of the dog and the children is all that is needed. Dogs are leashed at campgrounds, and any dog that may nip just needs even more supervision. Go camping and have fun. I never let children approach our dog ever anyways, children are too unpredictable.
Not overreacting at all. Just think of the reaction of the parents if this dog "nips" their kid. "Vicious" is going to be the exact description as they take this dog owner, who by the way knows their dog "nips" at people, to court. A dog who nips, bites, growls, or otherwise acts at all aggressively towards anyone has no business being in a campground.