Forum Discussion

  • That is the kind of stories that will bring a grown man too tears! That Police officer went above and beyond the call of duty. It would have been much easier for him to call animal control to handle the situation and we probably don't want to know what would have been the outcome of that. Hats off to that officer!!!
  • I'm guessing that who ever owned Bo, didn't care enough to look for him at the Shelter. Bo is very lucky to have found a forever home with someone who really cares about him.
    I love to read or hear about these stories! Too many of the sad ones most of the time:(
  • Agree with the others; so happy for Bo, but seems a teaching moment was missed for those kids. Then again, maybe that part of the story was omitted. We can hope...
  • Nice story. If I had been the cop once I got the dog settled I'd be back chasing those kids!
  • Love this story, now I would like him to go back to this neighborhood and talk to the parents of these kids.
    Good dogs get a bad rap because of kids like this and parents that don't teach their kids how to respect and care for animals.
    Bo is one very lucky dog!
