Congratulations on the adoption of Sunny. I figured it would happen sooner or later...and it may as well be sooner!!!! We adopted a rescue...a lh doxie, about a month ago after our almost 18 y/o doxie, Molly, passed away. The foster parents had named our rescue Melody, but we changed it to Maddie!!!! She is approx. 3 years old, according to the vet, and was found wandering in -15 degree weather. I cannot for the life of me figure out why the owners did not look for Maddie. She was put in the pound for 3 days or so, and she was advertised by the police dept. as being found, but no one claimed her. I am sure she has been abused, as she retreats when we pet her. She is a ball of energy compared to Molly, and sometimes Melvin (9 y/o doxie) retreats to his bed when he has had enough of her boisterousness. They play quite well together, tho. Anyway, once again, congratulations on your new family member. Im sure you all will have a great time together.