Thank you everyone! Lido's nickname is "The Beast" - lol! He's wide open - typical lab puppy. Two days ago he weighed 37 pounds. He'll be 4 months old September 19th.
Lido experienced his first dog park visit today and had a ball. The only other dogs there were an older medium sized dog, who left shortly after we arrived, and a Weim puppy about a month older than Lido. They had a good time! I was hoping the dog park wouldn't be crowded, since most people were at work, and I was right. I won't take him on a weekend - that's a disaster waiting to happen, IMO.
Later, we took a field trip to Tractor Supply. Lido managed to find all sort of kibble that had spilled on the floor...:R Of course, he attracted people who wanted to pet him. Good socialization experience.