Grandpere wrote:
DutchmenSport wrote:
Our cat is the same way. We got motion sickness pills from the vet. They seem to work pretty well. He hasn't vomited since we started using them. Get ahold of your vet.
How do you get the pills down your cat, we have not ever been able to get ours to take pills, he bites, scratches and will hold any pill in his mouth and spit it out the second we turn loose.
Get a "Pill Pusher" or sometimes called a "Pill Gun". We have 3 or 4 of these, as we use them on every dog and cat we've ever owned. Your vet will probably give you one, no charge. If not, any pet supply store (Pet Smart... etc) will have them too.
Here's a 45 second YouTube video how to do it.
Click here.