Deb and Ed M wrote:
toedtoes wrote:
He does love it. His sister doesn't and she will try to redirect him away from the water.
He's reaching the point where his energy doesn't ebb and flow as much. After a long water session yesterday, he went inside, moved all the throw blankets and then tried to play with The Twooney. I had to take him back out for the tennis balls when he started chewing on Looney2.
Have you ever heard the "difference between a BC and an Aussie?" The Aussie has an "off switch".....LOL!
I'll keep your stamina in my prayers ;-)
Thanks. He got his final puppy shots - finally. So tomorrow Aunt C, Cat-dog and I are taking Tornado-dog out for a hike. It will be his first outdoor adventure and will hopefully tire him out.
He has been busy ripping up cardboard. I no longer have to break boxes down for the recycle bin. Tornado-dog turns them into confetti very quickly.
Hmmm, if Aussies have an off switch and BCs don't, that must mean JRTs have a turbo boost.