Deb and Ed M wrote:
Re: refocusing: the collie side wants to work. To "help" you. They need jobs - even if those jobs are silly. Jimmy (R.I.P.) was dedicated to carrying my socks downstairs so I could put them on. Augie picks up things I might drop (pen, cars keys, spoon, etc) and carry them to me. He's extended that job, to picking up the house: a scrap of paper or toy lost under the couch? "Here, I found this". His alltime favorite chore is popping those air pillows that come with an Amazon package. The delivery guy thinks Augie LOVES him because he jumps happily every time a package is delivered - while Augie is crazy-friendly (very un-Aussie) he knows what those boxes contain....>LOL!
How to refocus a JRT? No clue.....LOL!
Yeah, if he had more collie, it would be easier. I'm used to shepherds who want to please and can work with that.
The JRT is far less interested in making me happy and very focused on making himself happy. I do keep a big happy belly "rawhide" bone in the bedroom (and extras in the nightstand). He will settle down with one of those at bedtime thank goodness.
He really is amazingly smart...
He has just discovered he can get on the bed without help. My last refuge is gone...