I have a 12-yr old African Grey. I also live in AZ (Tucson); moved here about 2 yrs ago from SoCal and Fiki is also a plucker. He is not used to traveling and I have a hard time getting him into his travel cage when we do, but he always seems to enjoy the trip once we get going. He rides in the passenger seat with his cage tethered down.
I am seriously considering an RV, so I can take trips and be able to bring Fiki and also my dog. I am looking at a class c or class a, minimum 24', maximum 33'. I have looked at several and looks like removing a swivel seat would provide plenty of room for a full cage.
Any recommendations as to "ideal" cage size. At home he has a dome top cage 36" x 28" (with seed skirt) and 62" high. I expect I can scale down for the RV; may a 24 x 20 x 60? Also, can you drive with the grey in his full cage or do you always use the small travel cage when in motion?
I am hoping that an RV will free me up to take both short 3-day trips, as well as longer (maybe 1 - 3 months) and can go whenever I want without having to make special arrangements for the bird (no problem with taking my dog.)
Any recommendations or sharing your experiences will be very much appreciated.