We spent many a month looking at Class A Diesel pushers, and the main consideration was "where do we put Roscoe?"
Roscoe is a 24yo Goffin's Cockatoo. His cage at home is - well- a spoiled bird's palace. He has a smaller cage that we use to put him outside, and for emergency situation such as vet and evacuations.
We searched many pet shops and online. We finally found a 17.5 X 17.5 24' cage that came with a stand.
We found an RV with a perfect floorplan. We removed a chair, and made a board to fit the bolts. On the board, we screwed in a few eye-hooks. We use bungee cords to secure stand to floor, and we rigged the cage by bolting it to the stand. That thing does not even rattle!!
The bungee cords can be removed to move the cage when needed.
Sor the mess? Well, that is what parrots do, and quite well. I ran to staples and found a roll of shipping paper. We just cut a strip, cut opening for stand, and slide under. We don't use newspaper for the ink staining the rug.
So far...all a success!!