Forum Discussion

dturm's avatar
Jan 12, 2019

Sasha's first RV trip

Sasha is in her third day of her first RV adventure. She is a perfect traveler, but I guess we should have expected that with her previous world travels coming from Turkey!!

She staked out her riding position on the couch and sleeps or relaxes and isn't even bothered by rumble strips or passing trucks.

She loves new smells and watching critters (mostly birds and squirrels) around the campgrounds. We think Kaylee has taught her this activity.
  • Our RV is the only home our current dog has know with us. She certainly doesn't mind. Not thrilled with days of traveling, but likes when we stop and there are new places to check out.
  • She's beautiful, such a beautiful soul. Looks like she enjoys being with her humans.

  • Deb and Ed M wrote:
    "Born to camp"! That's a happy-looking dog right there :-)

    I think the secret is a pet owner that is kind and pet friendly. Merlin my Keeshond is a puppy mill rescue (in that environment as a stud for the first six years of his life). Skidish but very trusting on lead, will set/sleep for hours and enjoy life. I hit a very loud expansion joint on a bridge that got his attention, he had a look on his face of 'what the *ell just happened'. I reassured him that all was right with the world and he went back to sleep.
  • Pebbles loves to camp and is ready for anything and takes it in stride, as long as I am around. Mitzi has not been on a trip yet but with her personality I am sure she will love it too. Both of them jump into the TT when I go out to do something. The other three love to go but only if mom is around.
  • She definitely appears to be a seasoned traveler. :C
  • Your post reminded me of a funny story when I adopted Mikko. The rescue group drove Mikko from Minneapolis to Des Moines where I met them. When I picked Mikko up they warned me he might be very nervous about a new person and travel. Mikko was sound asleep in the Blazer before I hit the Interstate, he woke up when I hit some rumble strip outside Kansas City. He did have a surprised look when he woke up.
  • I have yet to own a dog that didn't enjoy travel and being with their owner's. The only issues I have is when traveling to a different area that has dangers the Collies are not accustomed to, such as alligators in Florida, poison snakes in the South west, wolves and bears in the North.