Forum Discussion

winnietrey's avatar
Jun 20, 2017

sneezing cat, question for Dr Doug

Dr Doug, 2 weeks ago brought home a rescue cat. 3 year, female. At that time she was sneezing. Two weeks on now she still sneezes on occasion, maybe twice an hour. Never had any discharge, eyes are clear, not lethargic, appetite good.

We have kept her separate from our other pets. ( an older dog and cat)
My wife took the cat to the vet last week.

Kind of got mixed messages from the vet, on one hand vet seemed to indicate, cat could be a risk to our other pets and to us. On the other hand, cat could just have allergies. ( no blood work etc)

What would be your opinion? any risk to other pets, or us?

Can any cat diseases transfer to a dog? Feline herpes ?

Thank you for your time Doc
  • Another idea. A few months ago, my cat started to sneeze and sleep more often than a cat already does. She also started to throw up her food. I figured she had a bug like the rest of the house during flu season. Until her eyes went wonky, and one pupil was dilated differently, at the same time it was covered with her third eye. Now I'm worried. A visit to the vet discovered a severe middle ear infection. Over two weeks of ear drops and an oral medication, and she's back to normal, eyes and all. However, I'm still traumatized by force feeding a cat meds by mouth.
  • ScottG wrote:
    Do they get hay fever like people?
    My cat sneezed severa time one day during a particularly heavy day of tree pollin.

    It's not real common, but asthma is the most common respiratory type problem.

    Most allergy issues present as skin problems/itching or GI problems.
  • Do they get hay fever like people?
    My cat sneezed severa time one day during a particularly heavy day of tree pollin.
  • Dr. Doug

    Thank Your again for you time and advice.

    I want to do the right thing, so not a money issue, she is female, appears non aggressive, not territorial,

    There is about zero cats in the neighborhood that I can see, let alone Felv cats.

    Sounds like, in that case you would see little need for it?

    I love our Vet, Doc, but at times I feel she is way to much "cook book" and does at times not really take the time to think things through, just kind of goes with the path of least resistance.

    I again very much appreciate your time. And I get it, very hard to make RX, when you have not seen the animal or know the area we live in
  • The FeLV vaccination is available and used, but we base recommendation on life style and susceptibility, not that should be given to every individual. I think your best source for advice would be your local vet. A non-fighter, non territorial living in an area with very few FeLV positive cats in the population wouldn't be at great risk.
  • Thank you DR Doug, for your kind and prompt reply, you are a wonderful resource, on this board.
    1) cat was tested, she is neg
    2) In your practice do you Rx the vaccination? for Felv? Cat will be an indoor/outdoor cat
    3) Polly the cat, if she could personally thank you, has expressed a desire to do so. As we are going to be letting her out of kitty jail. However as she can not type, she asked me to do it.

    Thank You Again
  • My guess would be a viral infection. I can't imagine a sneezing problem that would be an issue with you or your dog, but possible with your cat. Most of the viral upper resp have a limited course and if there is no underlying disease shouldn't be a long term problem

    Was this cat tested for FeLV and FIV (leukemia and feline immunovirus)by the rescue?

    Doug, DVM