Florida just passed a bill allowing judges to charge animal cruelty cases with a "third-degree felony" punishable by up to "five years in prison" and a "$10,000 fine" and "prohibit" the offender from ever owning another dog.
The bill, HB 473, was called Ponce's Law which stems from a horrific case of animal cruelty . https://www.news-journalonline.com/.../ponces-law-bill
Each state has their own laws regarding animal cruelty and most states are very lenient for the offender. Many cases of cruelty across the United States the abuser is only being charged with a misdemeanor.
I post this because this sets a good precedent and 'now' would be the perfect time for you to easily
copy this bill and send it to your Senator and State Rep and Governor demanding that your state increase the punishment regarding animal cruelty
if they have not already done so. And/or add on to it.
We need to have ALL the states increase the punishment and give judges the option to include jail time, felony charges, and if convicted prohibit them from ever owning another animal.
Now is the time for everyone to make a difference on behalf of all animals. :C
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us.