We went thru 2 of these procedures with our English Mastiff. The vet provided a sling. She was on pain meds for the first surgery. The second one, she got a fentanyl patch as she was very hard to pill.
She seemed content to be quiet, maybe it was the meds.
I basically stayed home with her for the first month, to prevent her from walking by herself.
Basically, it was outside to potty, then back to her bed. I fed her in bed. NO STEPS.
It was a chore to get her in the car for vet visits.
It takes months for the fur to grow back, they will be a scar-but her fur will cover it.
I was surprised to see so many dogs with the same, 'haircut' and slings at the vets.
Recent studies are linking early spay/neuter with these joint and ACL problems.