Forum Discussion

Hokiehall's avatar
Jun 04, 2017

Traveling with a cat

I know very few people travel and camp with cats. We have seen a few during our many years camping but not many and they were usually in a motorhome.

We are considering taking our 16 year old cat on a trip. The reason being is the other cats she had here at home have all crossed the Rainbow Bridge and now she is completely alone. We are not sure how she may handle a long period alone. Our neighbors always care for them while we are gone but it is not the same.

Our issue is with the actual traveling. We have a travel trailer and she would have to ride in the truck with us. It is about 6 hours to the beach we are going to and we are not sure how to properly care for her on the long ride. She has already explored the camper and seems OK with it. We are mostly worried about how she may use the bathroom on the road and get plenty of water. We can carry the water in the truck with us but she will be in a carrier for travel. Not sure about a litter box though.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. We are leaning toward leaving her and hope for the best but if some good ideas show up we may go ahead and give it a shot.

Thanks in advance for any help.