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Waiting at the Rainbow Bridge

sue.t wrote:
I'm wondering if we should also have a sticky that lets us post obituaries & pics of our dearly departed pets? Maybe a "Rainbow Bridge" sticky? It would be sad and happy. It is very sad when a pet dies. And many of us tell the rest of the group when one of our pets does die. Telling others is one way to grieve. There have been a number of posts lately about dear pets that have died. And the stories are very difficult to read. And yes, our heart tugs with every tale.

A thread that would let us tell of our pet, and post a picture, would be a way to memorialize the RV pets that have travelled to the other side.
Simple ground rules.
1. Posts are limited to individual pet "obituaries" and no personal replies please as they will be deleted without explanation.

2. Pictures exceeding 640 pixels width or 480 pixels in height will be edited to comply within those dimensions.

if you have any questions, free to send me a private message


The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

The above in a Rainbow Bridge "flash" movie
have you checked out the new Blogs yet?

Deceased 2/28/08 RIP
243 REPLIES 243

My dog Susee was a very Happy full of life dog but today she had passed on to Rainbow Bridge very unexpectantly . She had no signs of Illiness until tonight what so ever. I will miss her so very much.
Sept.1995-Feb.21 2007

Until we meet again girl
HUBBY the driver ๐Ÿ™‚
WIFE the co pilot ๐Ÿ˜‰
1 SON :C
2 Mini Schnauzer Puppies Heidi & Schnitzel

2003 19ft Wildwood Travel Trailer
2001 Ford EB Expedition 5.4 V 8

1995 Ford Explorer V 6
1999-2003 Rockwood Tent Trailer ~ 1997-1999 TENTING

"Lucky" 1990-2001 A true friend we still miss.

Max the German Shepherd (8/87 to 11/99) and Willow the Greyhound American Princess (6/86 to 1/99), my "Heart Dogs". They were inseparable in life from the time I adopted Willow in May, 1989 (note the position of Willow's paw), until Willow's death; they are inseparable in my memories, and I'm sure they are still running and playing together now, making little "racetracks" in the fields near the Bridge, like the ones that still grace my yard and my heart.

Gary Shapiro
Shadow - 7-year-old Greyhound (aka Shadow Ninja)
Hannah - 4-year-old GSD rescue (aka the Canine Tornado)
Max, Dash (GSDs), Willow, Dot, Allan, Lily (Greyhounds), and Molly(GSD Mix), at the Bridge and in my heart forever
2011 G'town 280DS Class A


Benson 2001 (?) to December 28, 2006

Benson came to live with us in September of 2003. We had seen him at Petco the weekend before we left for a week's vacation. I was immediately drawn to him for some reason... All these years of working in shelters and volunteering with rescue groups I have seen THOUSANDS of animals that needed a home and this cat just drew me in.... I told my DH that if he was still there when we got back that I wanted to add him to our "zoo" of pets. Thinking that he would be adopted by then Jimmy agreed and we went on vacation. Two days after we returned I went back to Petco and that pretty white cat was gone. OK so it wasn't meant to be after all. About a week later I was back buying something or another (we had six pets at the time so Petco was a weekly stop) and there he was! I almost tripped over myself running to him. I asked an employee to contact the rescue group and the volunteer gave me his known history. Yes, I understand he is blind in one eye (I can see the dark splotch), oh I didn't know it was due to a head injury... yes I answered I have had a pet with a heart murmur but that didn't mean he didn't deserve a home. Yes, I would take him whenever someone could meet me there after I filled out an application by phone. Well, I didn't have to wait long, within an hour I had him loaded up taking him home. Come to find out he had been in foster care and in and out two different Petco locations for the past 5 months. Cats with health problems seem to be harder to place I guess.... but I think he was just waiting for me.

His name was "Benny" but it didn't fit the regal boy I immediately came to love. I renamed him Benson by that evening. He was a fun loving cat, acted like he had been around dogs all his life, didn't seem to mind the hisses from the other cats as they got acquainted, never met a stranger... he would run to the door to see who was there and greet with them with small mews and purrs! He loved everyone! He played with toys ALL the time... he liked the dog toys almost as much as his smaller cat toys. We used to laugh at him as he struggled to carry a large squeaky toy around. He kept my feet warm in bed every night and woke me up with kisses on my nose every morning. I am going to have a hard time sleeping without him......

I guess our sweet Benson knew he had a lot of life to live in too short of time because he lived it well and full steam ahead. The heart murmur took him from us...and in a shocking way.... but if I had it to do over again I would....

You went away much too fast, much too soon and I am very much sad at having to say farewell to you. That heart murmur ended your sweet life so suddenly....and without warning. In my wildest dreams I would never imagine how it would end.... or how soon.

Oh Benson I would gladly bring you home again buddy. I listened to a song today that reminded me that I could have missed the pain but then I would have missed the dance... I am so lucky to have danced through life with you for as long as we did, I just wish it had been longer. I'll dance with you again someday big boy. Until then there is a place in my heart that is yours.... only yours. Rest well sweet Benson, enjoy playing with Gabby & Samson..... until we meet again.



(Jim just reads the forum once in a while)

Our toys:
2003 Damon Ultrasport 3873
(picture on profile)
Boat = ProCraft Fish & Ski

Working our way toward retirement...wishing it was soon.

Sent: 11/29/2006 6:53 PM
My friends that I have chatted with for so long, are familiar with the "brb doggie duty" and that the joy of my life was WILLIE< THE KID..........
12 years ago Willie adopted me and for 2 years was an ornery little terrier mix. Due to a spinal injury and surgery, he has been a paraplegic for the last 10 years.....He has had no use of his back legs, and body functions , but he could wag his tail to let me know he had to "go"
Every 4 to 5 hours, 24/7 his bladder had to be emptied.
Willie never gave up, he scooted all over the floor, was always there for me and taught me so much about patience, determination and pure love and trust......
On MOnday, Willie went to the Rainbow Bridge, and my heart aches , as any of you know, that have parted with your beloved companions...........
I know he is running and jumping and being a dog ......Willie is waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and I am happy for him and so thankful that he was with me ....................,but I sure do miss him

no need to respond to this, just give an extra hug to someone you love..........

and dont be afraid of adopting a physically challenged bundle of love. you will be rewarded in ways you can not imagine
Elizabeth and Henry..... rescues

Crickett, Beau, Lady, Dixie, Batman, Penny, Bonnie Colleen, SouiX C, George, Willie, Pierre, Shandi. Honey, Patches ,Gumby...WAITING at the Rainbow Bridge

Mr. Bailey
March 27, 1999 - November 3, 2006

We had our hearts broken by a disease we had never heard of prior to Bailey's first symptoms on November 1st. Immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) can strike without any warning and is often fatal. One day we had a happy normal dog, the next he was fighting for his life. No one knows for sure what causes the white cells to suddenly destroy the red; only guesses and speculations, none of which fit Bailey's profile. We've spoken to 3 vets, and they all believe it's tied to a weak gene in the immune system that goes wacky.

I want to think things happen for a reason or purpose b/c there are too many factors in us adopting Bailey to chalk up to mere happenstance.

On March 27, 1999 we decided it was time to let our our elderly schnauzer Kirby cross the Rainbow Bridge. His kidneys were failing and he was having heart congestion. Although he had lived a long life of 15 years it still broke our hearts to let him go. I was beside myself since Kirby was "mommy's boy", cried daily and wondered if the heartbreak would ever go away.

We finally decided to open our hearts again, and began our search for a well bred puppy, which is difficult to find in our area. My husband contacted a breeder in NJ, who referred him to a man in AR. This man didn't have any puppies available but had heard of a litter in OK. Mike called the lady in OK and learned these pups were born on the same day we lost Kirby. The puppies wouldn't be ready for homes for another 2 months. We had said from the get go we wanted another salt/pepper male puppy, but when the lady emailed us pictures a few weeks later there was one pup who stood out from the rest. While the others all stood nicely for the photo this little black & silver pup was laying down eating the rug while looking directly at the camera. I wrote the lady back, saying I predict he's going to be a little imp. But looking back now, I saw his soul thru the gleam in his eyes, and feel in love.

We made the 300 mile trip to OK 2 weeks later, which was fun b/c we had never been there before. As we filled the paperwork out for our little salt/pepper pup Teddy, I noticed that little black/silver pup again. He would keep bumping Teddy over, wanting to play so badly. Teddy was very laid back and so opposite of that pup, like ying and yang.

Once home, I emailed the lady to let her know how Ted was doing those first few weeks and each time I would ask how that little black/silver was and if he found a home yet? Finally a month later I asked my DH if we could go back for him too. Mike reminded me of our son's upcoming wedding, and said "if the adoption fee was 1/2 the price I'd agree". The next day I rec'd an email from the breeder stating that the last of the pups were getting older, she only sold by referral and was wondering if we would be interested in adopting the black/silver at HALF the price she normally would charge. I couldn't wait to tell my husband, and wondered if he'd believe me when I told him! Needless to say, we made another 300 mile trip to pick up Bailey that following week end.

This time our youngest daughter Jackie went with us. All the way back to AR she petted Bailey while he sat next to her on the back seat, and said he would be her little man.

Over the last 7 years those pups became the center of our world. We took them on trips, took pictures of them in little costumes, and b/c our children were now adults, those two little guys became our "furkids". There were times when I felt like they were magic, and could take the edge off the worst day.

On October 29th Jackie was sent to Nashville for an employee training course. Before leaving, she hugged Bailey as she usually would do, and said "while I'm gone, take good care of my little man". She would return on Thursday evening.

On November 1st I noticed Bailey wasn't his usual perky self. Suspecting some minor problem we made a vet appt. for the afternoon. Shortly before that appt. I was outside with the dogs when I noticed Bailey's urine looked dark. This was when I panicked b/c I knew whatever was wrong was not minor. Our vet ran some tests and mentioned IMHA being a possibility. Once home I looked up this disorder, and don't ask me why but I told my husband that night I had a feeling we'd lose Bailey. The next day we gave Bailey the meds, but his health declined. We called our vet who then admitted Bailey into the clinic for the night. Jackie arrived later that evening and our vet said he'd meet her at the clinic so she could visit with Bailey.

The next morning we heard Bailey's red count dipped a little lower. Our vet called 2 specialists in our area, both thought a transfusion would make matters worse. Our vet then called OSU, and they said to bring him there for a transfusion. The lady who bred these pups is also a vet at this clinic, and although out of town that day, she helped set things up for our arrival. Mike, Jackie (who had the day off of work), and I began the 300 miles drive to Stillwater OK, a town we hadn't been to since adopting Bailey 7 years before. Bailey did fairly well until halfway to the clinic, then we began to see him go downhill from that point on.

When we were about 15 miles from the clinic he stood up, took two steps and laid next to Jackie in the back seat. She petted him and talked to him softly; he began to shiver slightly, turned his head to look into her face, took his last breath and was gone. The clinic confirmed what we had feared, that Bailey had died. The four hour ride back home was very long and sad.

When I think back over everything, it just is too ironic to say write off as a fluke. We weren't suppose to get two dogs, only one; but there was something in Bailey's eyes that won my heart. The "half price" email from the breeder the day after my husband said the very same thing. Jackie being with us for both trips; when we got Bailey and when we lost him. Lastly, Bailey was born in Stillwater, some 300 miles from our home and a place we hadn't been to since, only to die there.

Maybe someday we'll learn the answers to all this?

God bless you Mr. Bailey, we love and miss you very much!

2008 Carriage Cameo 35sb3
2008 Ford HD F350 6.4 diesel 4x4
"the Schnauzer Hauser"
One patient husband, One crazy wife
5 very spoiled schnauzers

Explorer III
Explorer III
Pandy was featured in an Encore newsletter last year:

"They call me Pandy because I am black and white like a panda bear, but they also call me โ€œThe Cat Who Came to Visit and Decided to Stay.โ€ One day about 16 years ago I was wandering around southern New Jersey and walked into Cindy and Dennis Hendersonโ€™s yard. They felt sorry for me and put some food outside on their patio for me to eat. I was so timid that if I saw them peeking out at me through the window I would run and hide. I would look all around to see if it was safe before I took a bite of food. Eventually I realized it was a safe place to be, so at evening time I would climb a tree, jump onto a roof, and climb the shingles up to a second story window (which the Hendersons left open for me) to climb into a guest bedroom. I was the guest! In the morning I would nonchalantly walk down the stairs and wait at the front door to be let out. Nobody knew where I wandered during the daytime.

When Cindy and Dennis sold that house to Cindyโ€™s sister and moved a few miles away to the country, they thought that I would want to stay in the neighborhood, so Cindyโ€™s sister tried to take care of me. But after a few weeks the Hendersons decided that I would be better off moving to the new house with them.

Exploring the new house that day was fun, but I had never used a litter box before, and Cindy knew I would need to go outside. Early in the morning she carried me outside. I now had a collar around my neck with a leash attached. When she set me down on the ground a noise startled me. I broke free and ran for the woods. Thank goodness Daddy soon found me and coaxed me out of the woods. They took me back into the safety of the house. From that day forward I used the litter box and NEVER again asked to go outside. Now I am content to look out the window and see people and animals walk by. Once in a while Daddy forgets to completely close the screen door. He has been surprised to see me sitting on the steps waiting patiently for him to close that door so all is still safe inside.

So now you can see why they call me โ€œThe Cat Who Came to Visit and Decided to Stay.โ€ If you see me looking at you through the window of our motorhome, say โ€œhi!โ€

Well, our Pandy crossed the Rainbow Bridge this evening with the assistance of a wonderful veterinarion and his staff who helped us ease her passing. Thanks for being a good little gal, Pandy!

Dennis and Cindy Henderson
fulltiming, last night in New Holland, PA at Spring Gulch, heading out tomorrow for points south...

11/29/08--edited to restore picture

My DOTL's at the Rainbow Division. I'd post a picture if I could figure it out.
Stoli's Black Diamond aka Stoli (6/1/90 - 12/24/03)

Cappi's Tiny Java Bean aka Java(3/16/97 - 8/6/04)
Kim with DOTL Minpins, Spc. Rusty and Spc. Cappi
2005 Ford F250 Lariat, PSD, FX4, Crew Cab, Reese 16K slider
2004 Northwood Arctic Fox 29-5T, twin Honda EU2000i
Some minds are like concrete thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.


This was our little camping buddy. We lost him 9/20/06 after he got sick. We miss him so much. He was with us for over 3 years. He was such a cute little fella (about six weeks old) when we picked him up at the airport. He bonded with my wife and she called him her little boykid. He loved to go camping. When we had him outside in the yard, many times he would go to the camper steps and raise up to the first step wanting inside. He had made himself a bed under the linen drawer with a small blanket and a towel he had stolen.
Rest in Peace Thumpy. I hope we see you at the bridge one day.

I miss my "kattie the calico kitty cat from carson city".. I miss her on my lap, walking with me and following me.. And that "disgusting look" she used to give me as if she was in Love with me... I miss her meow and her sleeping beside me..I miss her sitting with me at the computer... I miss her paw reaching up and rubbing my cheek... I miss you "KITTERS">.. I will never forget you!!!If I could have saved you I would have... No matter the cost.. I took you to two vets... They said it was just your time...Mommy took you to the vet to help you leave this world and I am so sorry I didn't go with you.. Please forgive me but I just couldn't Kattie... It hurts so much...We will be together again.... Kattie, the best friend a guy could have..... 1989 to 2005

Lucky- May 1995 to October 8, 2006

I found Lucky, or I should say, she found me. Someone had dumped a litter of puppies near a busy road. 5 puppies ran out in to the road, 1 stopped at the center line and ran back in front of my car. I slammed the brakes on, sure I had hit the puppy. Here was a skinny, muddy black lab pup quivering underneath the front of my car. The other puppies weren't so lucky, they were hit and killed.

I kept this little pup and named her Lucky.

By the time she was 2, our vet told us she had severe hip dyplasia and wouldn't live a long life. He gave her about a 8 year life span.

On October 8, 2006, Lucky's back end gave out. She could no longer get up. I got in her pen with her and she somehow crawled into my lap. She looked at me when those big brown eyes and said "Help me mom, I'm in pain, it's time."

We took her to the vet and she passed away in my arms. She was 11 1/2 years old, she proved the vet wrong!

She's free now of her crippled body. I know she's at the Bridge with her buddy Cocoa, our chocolate lab who passed away 4 years ago. I can see them running and playing again! Lucky loved to chew up anything plastic, she even ripped the bumper cap off the camper this summer and chewed it up. She especially loved my daughters' Barbie dolls hands and feet. My poor girls always had handless/feetless Barbie dolls because of Lucky!

Lucky was always MY dog, she was always there for me. And I showed her how much I loved her by letting her go.
Mark and Sue
daughter 14, son 16, daughter 21, grand-daughter(3),grandson (1)
One nutty black lab-Baby
Two psycho cats-Rebel & Tigger
2005 Dodge Ram 2500 QuadCab 4x4 Laramie Long bed (his)
2006 Wranger X (hers)
2005 Jayco Eagle 298BHS (ours!)

Chaos, our forever-loyal and much-loved Kuvasz, was released from his pain on August 22, 2006. The story of his determination, tenacity, and courage during a 7-month struggle with bone cancer was documented here on Chaos joined Josey, the Norwegian Elkhound. We miss both of these dogs greatly and the impressions of their pawprints will remain forever on our hearts.

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

-- Anonymous

Calisay Klondyke Chaos
June 10, 1996 - August 22, 2006
sue t.
Pictures from our many RV Adventures to Yukon & Alaska from Vancouver Island. Now we live in Yukon!


Samson 12/20/90 to 9/8/06

Gone Too Fast

The day ends and we think to ourselves that went too fast,
The best of times fly by, the months and years zoom past.
Almost sixteen years is now gone in a blink of the eye,
Why can't we love them young, why do they have to die?
The lessons I learned from Samson I learned very well,
Getting past the grief is something only time will tell.
The walks in the park, the many places we have been,
The times that now only in my heart's eye can be seen....
I cherished those special times since they never last,
My faithful friend I cry now because you are gone too fast.

In memory of my sweet Samson-Bamson....

It has been a week now since we had to say farewell. Even at almost 16, he is gone much too fast.

Cathy A.


(Jim just reads the forum once in a while)

Our toys:
2003 Damon Ultrasport 3873
(picture on profile)
Boat = ProCraft Fish & Ski

Working our way toward retirement...wishing it was soon.

It took a while to post this but my favorite girl passed after 14 wonderful years. We thought about waiting until this fall to get another but we only made it 3 weeks until Nanook became a family member. I don't remember a puppy being this much work, but it is all worth it!


October 1993 - August 2006

[purple]Jackie, Greg, Dylan the dog [/purple]

2006 Winnebago Adventurer 38T
2006 Jeep Liberty CRD (the toad)