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We call him Sam

Last night my wife and I took the plunge after losing our Jack Russel 4 year ago!
He is a supposed 2 year and 3 months old. He is a Shi-poo!
We had to go 50 miles to get him and he was friendly from the git go!

I was taken back a little because the lady that had him broke her ankle on Monday and this was the reason for giving him up!When we went into the house on arrival at 5:15 PM this poor dog was in his kennel.

We chose to bite our lip and not to comment on the kennel so early in the day! We eventually asked her if he was OK with strangers since she had him kenneled. She took the hint and let him out and we took time to get to know him and to be sure he was comfy with us!

His age was a concern but the rehoming fee was free and we got a story how she had a dog sitting business and this dog was brought to her every day for a couple months and then the owner started bringing his kennel and later brought his toys and then the next day brought his vaccination papers of which he is over due for his rabies by 6 months! The she says the lady didn't come to get her dog or pay her! She took him over 6 months ago! The rabies issue gets remedied on Thursday!

He is about 7 lbs over weight, he weighs 25lbs, we will take care of that. She claimed she rarely fed him people food but she brought us a slice of cheese to give as a treat and insisted he would get to know us and warm up to us. As soon as she left the room the cheese went in my pocket! He didn't need warming up to us, he was all in for the attention! We stayed at the house for maybe 45 minutes and the lady gave us some privacy to decide!

Our minds were made up! He was every bit the gentleman she said he was.

In my mind, there was no way I was leaving him there to go back into that kennel for the rest of the day and night!
He came with his nice wire kennel, a stuffed animal and a filthy squeak toy. When we lifted the kennel take it to the truck, it looked like she had shag carpet under it that was nothing but dust bunnies!

When we got into the truck my wife instructed me to stop at Wally World because that pillow the lady thought should stay in there til he gets used to our scents was going into the trash when we get home!His stuffed toy got washed but she bought him a new squeak toy and he loves it!

Within a couple miles, Sam wanted to get in the front with us and my wife obliged him and later saying that he slobbers a lot! So when we get to Wal Mart, I was in the truck with him and it was then that I realized he had gotten sick all over my winter coat that was on the console! I called my wife in the store and told her that that slobber was vomit and to step it up so we could get him home! Poor guy wanted in the back seat after he got sick and being dark in the truck ,we had no idea! I found a pile of vomit or feces on the passenger side seat in the front, I still don't see how the wife didn't get her foot in it.

We got him home around 8 P.M. and the first order of business was to throw coats in the wash, then put Sam in the tub. She washed him twice and he was still expunging dirt and junk! She cut some of the knots out and tonight we take him to the garage and do his belly and legs and then to the groomer as soon as we can get him there!
The lady wanted us to promise that if he wasn't working out that we would return him to her! I hope she doesn't read these forums because I lied! He will work out or I will personally find a family for him where he will be cared for! He wont go back to that house!

She gave away 2 other dogs that day and she had one that she said was with for 7 years and she was keeping it! When we got to the house, her dog checked us and left the room to who knows where?

He was on a farm and she says he would eat cow manure or most and he anything he found out side! I think that's why he is over weight besides being stuck in a kennel all day! He had free reign between her rented farm house and her land lords and he had cats and dogs and it was there that he got into cow manure etc..

She gave me his vaccination records and she said she didn't know exactly how old he was but the original owner told her that she was just under 2 years and that was 6 months ago!
She must have improvised on a bith date because there is one listed on his vac records.

He is a jolly fella with lots of energy and the playfulness of a pup but is gentle as he plays. He still needs to learn basic commands like sit, lay, shake etc.. He knows "No" and kennel but today I got him to shake, with small treat!
We still don't know how he signals his desire to potty! The lady told us he has a grunt or something that she tried to mimic and I thought I was going to lose it LOL! I just took him out and he seems to dance in a circle and headed for the door when I got up. He did his job! We are just staying with him and using the word potty on a schedule and a treat when he does his job but he is house broken!

I would have posted a pic but he is all black with a white chest and a little beard on his face. His eyes are covered from his lack of grooming so he just looks like a black blob in Photos.

Were not sure how he will take to camping with us, its evident he will need some adjustment to ride in a vehicle!
My theory as to why he got sick on the way home may be due to the fact that he was put into a vehicle with new people and he had never been taken on rides! Being dark out side and the movement of the truck may have really caused him some distress! But maybe the vet can help us with motion sickness. We just do our camping 5 miles from home until we take our summer trips.

He slept well in his kennel last night and not a word from him! I got up at 5:30AM and we went out! I took a nap later this morning and he tried to nudge me to play but we want him to learn a time to play and time to rest. He gave up on playing and went to his kennel on his own and took a nap. His kennel is open a during the day to come and go at his leisure! When I stirred, he stirred, we got up and went out, took a walk and came back in and played fetch with his new squeak toy!
We ate dinner and went outside for a walk. he is crashed out on his own right here by me at the laptop! Our thinking is to see how he does out of the kennel alone after a period of time and then give him the run of the house at night, and do away with the kennel just like we have our other pets

He supposedly loves kids and we will put that to the test Saturday when we have 3 of the grandkids for the night! There will be a total of 7 who will adore him and one newborn who in time will test his patience! We will have to keep on that for a while!

We raised our kids with dogs and cats but the one son and his wife don't want pets and she was raised on a farm with lots of cats ,but they stayed out side in the barn! So their kids ask us on occasion if we will get a dog or cat and just last weekend I told the 4 year old that we might look for one and she asked if we were really thinking about it?

The new family member is a secret for now, a surprise for them on Saturday, but it will be easy does it till we are all acquainted and comfortable. As it stands it feels like he will fit the family fine and will work as far as I can tell! Its just the wife and I most all week so he wont get too overwhelmed with kids!

Sam sounds like a keeper! Thank you for adopting him. You're very fortunate that he reacted so well when all your family came over. That's very overwhelming to a dog who's not used to it. He must have a very sweet nature!

If you can upload a picture to your computer, you can use this to add to a post on this site: Photo Upload Link. I click on Select, which takes me to my computer pictures section.
Beth and Joe
Camping Buddies: Maddie (maltese/westie?), Kramer (chi/terrier?), and Lido (yellow lab)

2017 Keystone Bullet 248RKS
2014 Aliner Expedition Off Road
2013 Ram 1500 HEMI

Tried to add a pic but didn't work

Sounds like you are all winners! Start taking him for short trips around the block every day and then increase the time. That might help decrease his illness.

Sounds like you have a whole lot of fun ahead.
2011 Adventurer 910FBS truck camper,Torklift tie downs,Fastguns & Wobbl-stopprs
2012 Dodge 3500 DRW 6.7L CTD,4x4,LB,CC,auto,3.73 axle,General 17" on/off rd
2008 Lund 1825 Explorer Sport,115 Merc,9.9 kicker,Torklift Super Hitch,42" Supertruss
USAF ret E-9&E-7

Wonderful! He's going to b e a great and treasured pet. One of ours used to get a little carsick and 1/4 of a dramamine took care of that, when we made a longer trip. Also, black pets are hard to get detailed photos of. Did the groomers concur that he is mostly poodle?
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

We got Sam his vaccinations on Thursday and on Friday we took him to the groomer!
He was reluctant to enter the vets office but complied and bravely got his shots and got messed wit ha little but left unchanged!
Took him to the Salon and we dropped him off for 4 hours and he got the treatment, Bath, air dry, trimmed, 15 minutes of a massaging brushing,
He was shy when we got there also, but he wnt with the ladies at the salon also reluctantly. We arrived back 3-1/2 hours later and got to see them finishing him up. My wife actually thought and I did too at first that he must be done because that did not look like our Sam on the table. We stayed out of site so they could finish!
When they called for Sams parents to report to the salon we went in and he was so happy to see us. The ladies at the salon said that he seemed to be free of fleas and dry skin but he did reek with cigarette smoke! Other than that he enjoyed himself once they started on him Although he warmed up to the groomers, he was excited to see us. They thought it was amazing how he has attached himself to us in the little time that we've had him!

We have stopped putting him on a walking leash to go do his job and get some fresh air! He stays with in the yard which is large and will run ahead of us only when he wants to get to his favorite spot to do hi thing and then return so excited! Last night we left his kennel unlocked and he went into it on his own when we shut off the lights and TV and I woke up to him sniffing my arm and face at around 7AM! I got up and we went outside, came back in and started our day! What a day we had!

At 4:30 the grandkids showed up and I kept him in the living room so they could all see him together. That might have been a mistake because when the g-daughter walked in with their parents and the grandson right after them, Sam was startled by all the people at one time like that! He barked and growled but with some talking and reassuring words, he calmed down and began to check them out!
Not 5 minutes had passed and they were playing ball with him! I told my son that this was the big test and that if he would not accept the kids that we would have to figure something out either classes, working with him for a few weeks or find him another home! He and his wife were not too concerned and felt that they would mesh and they did! Sam had a great time and didn't know who to take the ball to next and he did keep dropping it at our 4 year old GD's feet and she has a bit of a fear of larger dogs and my other son has 2 golden doodles who are big babies! She fell for Sam as they all did once there was a mutual trust and friendships were created!
He has more grand Kids to meet tomorrow but they are also young, they had a dog up until last year so they will be fine.

The neighbors dogs bark incessantly all day and all night! They need homes and I have made complaints in the past! Poor animals are outside 24/7! Between a family with 2 homes across from each other, they have 8 dogs that are in my opinion mistreated!
Sam goes out side and the barking begins and he will have nothing to do with it and heads to the front yard and I prefer the back but he doesn't like the barking and doesn't participate!
As far as my wife and I are concerned, Sam is home!
I took some photos but cant figure out how to load them from my MICRO SD card. I can get them on the computer but cant get them in the RV.NET post.
I will keep trying but I would say that if you have seen one ink spot on a photo, you've seen them all. He is just so dark that I did get some nice photos but in some bright light and still he looks like a ink spot on a photo!
When we lost out Jack Russel a few years ago, we never dreamed we would have another pet in the house that was ours, although all were welcome with they're families. We certainly never imagined adopting a 2 years and some 3 months old pet!
We still have to do something about motion sickness for traveling while camping this summer but as I said, we do most of our camping locally and a couple border state trips in the mid to late summer! If we cant help him with motion sickness we will stay home and camp locally all summer, this had been discussed and agreed on! He is part of the family and his well being is important also.
My health is in the toilet, so to speak so if Sams not up to a trip then we will do something we can all enjoy!
Through the years we raised 4 boys and we always had a dog or cat or both. We never had a purebred until the JACK and she was so very smart but head strong.We miss her something awful.
Sam is filling that loss that void that we thought could not be filled but still in memory of Lizzy. Fourteen years with her and then about 4 years later we thought we would like to have another, and along came Sam!

I can't wait to hear about the kids' reaction! Also, how did the grooming turn out?
Judy & Bud (Judy usually the one talking here)
Darcy the Min Pin
2004 Pleasure-Way Excel TD
California poppies in the background

Thanks for the kind replies!
I took him for his shots this morning and all went well. He goes to the groomer tomorrow.
None of the g-kids know about him yet and so they will have a surprise and grandpa and grandma will be #2 to Sam this weekend. He will have 8 kids to meet all together eventually with in t he next week!
The guy has some basic commands, the strongest which is Kennel and that will change. I had him out side with out his leash today and he stayed with me and cared less about the neighbors dogs barking and having a fit.
I think he will live up to the name "Sam"
I'm hoping to get some pics of him after his trip to the groomer! I tried everything to get a good shot on my tablet and on my phone and I might have to get the old 35MM and wait for the prints to come back! He looks like one big black mass in pictures!
I told my wife today that when I took him out to do his job last night, I realized that it was dark enough that I thought he was squatting to do his job, but wasn't so sure, because in the dark I couldn't tell if it was a squat or his nose to the ground, so I started taking a flash light!

Congrats on the new addition.
2012 F250 CC,FX4, Metallic blue/Silver
2012 Cruiser Patriot 345RF ๐Ÿ™‚ campers mom, dad
19 yr. old son
22 yr. old daughter
Diesel R.I.P.
Lady lab mix 16 R.I.P
Daisy beagle/collie
Misty shepard/husky
Camper's Have Smore Fun
14.5 Rallies
sleepovers 3

By naming him Sam, you have set a high bar for behavior on these forums. I think he is going to be required to be "Good" or you will be banned from further posts. (or at least moderated like me, which means at best you posts will appear a few hours or days after you actually post them)

Congratulations and God bless all rescuers! One thing about those who do rescue. . . we never get out of sorts because the dog isn't perfect or doing exactly what we think it should be. We are willing to take time to help the wee one adjust to his/her surroundings as we teach them routines, etc. It sounds like you have found a great family pet.

Dale Pace
Widow of Terry (Teacher's Pet)

Traveling with Brendon, my Scottish Terrier

2022 Honda Odyssey
2011 Mazda Miata MX-5

2021 Coach House Platinum III 250DT
Fulltimed for 15 years, now living in Florida

Explorer II
Explorer II
Thank you for rescuing him, and congratulations on your new family member.

Good that you have Sam. He will turn in to an avid camper, I am sure!

Barb and the 4 chocolates

Sam is a lucky pup, and I'm pretty sure he knows it. He'll be a loyal companion in his new forever home!

dturm wrote:
Sounds like it's a match!!

Yup, sure does!
