I was finally able to see current ratings on them and the first is a 50A, the second is a 30A. So that makes a little more sense.
time2roll wrote:
My first concern would be the smaller white wire connected direct to the larger red wires.
Second concern is that these self resetting breakers are even used at all. I would replace with Bussmann Hi-Amp.
I don't believe these are meant to be the primary fuses. I think they are more of a safety than anything. Most of the wires feed things with fuses inline. For instance, the tongue jack has a fuse in the line before it gets to the motor. The load center obviously has fuses for each circuit that it feeds. I'm not too sure about the other smaller wires. I'm sure one of them feeds the electric brakes. There are probably fuses in those lines as well, buried somewhere in the depths of the underbelly or hidden in a cabinet somewhere. This is one area where the RV industry does and extremely poor job. I don't think any two RVs that come off the same assembly line are wired exactly the same. The wires go here and there whichever way they decide to run them that day and they hide things like fuses, taps, and splitters in the strangest places. I had the surround trim off of the bathroom fan a couple of weeks ago because I wanted to run a separate wall switch for the fan and I found the TV cables splitter tucked up in the ceiling beside the bathroom vent. That's exactly where I would have looked for it, NOT.
The "mystery" white wire runs to a home type metal electrical junction box screwed to the side of the trailer that holds a bunch of wire junctions. This is where the 7-way tow cable hooks up, so I'm sure the white wire is among other things, the charge cable from the 7-way. I didn't have time to sort out the what else it feeds, but it's tied to junction of at least 4-5 wires. It would make more sense to me for them to have put an actual weather sealed load center here with fuses and labeling like they do under the hood of all cars. I suppose it would have cost more, but it seems like that would be farm more reliable than the crimp connectors they used.
dougrainer wrote:
It is miswired...
Doug, thanks. That makes a lot more sense to me than the way it's wired. I'm assuming the white wire which, as stated above, I'm pretty sure is the charge wire from the 7-way among other functions should move with the red wire to the top post of the bottom breaker.