When the faucets are off the water pressure does not drop and the pump does not run. I checked all fittings and there are no leaks. I also replaced the 10" water filter in the WaterPur canister but that didn't help.
I've ran 3 or 4 gallons of water through the hot water tank (faucets) but there's still no change. The water pressure is so weak I don't get a spray out of the shower head, just a small trickle of water.
I've been trying to remember when this problem started. We were in South Dakota when we ran the fresh water tank dry. We drove to Sidney, Montana and stopped to see an old Air Force buddy that I hadn't seen in 46 years. We filled the water tank at his house but didn't use the pump until the next day. I think that's when the wife noticed the water pressure dropping off rapidly as she tried to wash some dishes.