My best guess? The 40 AMP converter is hooked up still, and might be connected to the solar battery system? Or trying to rechare very bad batteries, so all that power is going up in steam escaping from the bad batteries.
Best advice is to shut off the old "Converter" as soon as possible. Then run a 12 volt power supply from your solar system to the RV. (However if your solar system is running 24 or 48 volts, you might need to put 2 panels - 12 volts each on the RV to power it, and leave the higher voltage panels alone. )
Yes I think that the converter can use 220 watts per hour, however I really don't think it would use that much. Perhaps the 350 watt electric heat element is running on the gas/electric refrigerator? Run it only on gas, and the problem might go away.
For long term, you really want to get a energy efficient bar type refrigerator. I think that some mentioned that Samsung seems to hold up well to modified sine wave power and hold up well to the shaking that RV's do while driving on the road. This might only use 200 - 300 watts per day. The gas/electric can use a 300 watt (per hour) 120 volt electric heating element, and might also run upwards of 15 - 20 hours on a 80F day, or while re-stocking the frige from a distant supermarket.
Running on gas is not more energy efficient, because it will still use about 10 watts per hour as well as 2,200 Btu's, or about 1 gallon in 4 days.
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