In the end I only have room for one 24v panel and did not like how the panel would be mounted. I failed to account for the large overhang of the Maxx Fan, reducing the available space to less than 22" so the second panel was not possible.
I decided on using three, 41" x 20" 100 watt Renogy panels wired in parallel along with the existing 170 watt GoPower panel. The four together, allowing for the slight mismatch of VMP, will give us 463-465 watts on a perfect day that never happens. The two rearmost panels can easily be shaded by the AC and Maxx Fan in January/February preventing wiring in series, but two of the new panels will never be shaded by the AC or the Maxx Fan, giving at worse case 200 watts.
I really did not want to add a second set of wires to connect the 24v panel to one of the Victron controllers, especially since I could only add one 24v 200 watt panel to the roof for only 370 watts. If I could have added that second 24v panel the choice was clear, but in the end that was not possible.
Thanks for your input,