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Jul 13, 2014

A/c Mod for a delayed Thermostat?


I would like to mod my Duo-Therm Penguin air conditioner. I want to add a delay so that when the ac shuts the compressor off it delay a few minuets before restarting. Right now the ac starts fine on my Honda EU3000i generator. However, after running and turning the compressor off in about 2 mins the ac cycles back on and now the generator goes into overload. I clamped an amp meter on and on the first startup of the day the ac draws 30 amps. However the next restart with the back pressure in the compressor the ac goes over 40 amps and the generator shuts down in over load. I already have a "Kickstart" hard start kit installed on the ac. I see the only answer to be modifying the thermostat to add a delay so that the compressor has a bit more time to equalize and not give the genny such a load. The ac is self contained and does not have a wall mounted thermostat. I am very handy and I am hoping for some hints on how to mod the ac to add a thermostat with delay.

  • AC mod

    This worked well for me.
    It seems your problem stems from short cycling of the thermostat .
    That is what I would address.
    Good Luck, Mike
  • Sluggo54 wrote:
    Many digital thermostats have a delay built in, just to eliminate the start against head situation. If you are handy, you should be able to mount a wall thermostat and switch the operation of the a/c off the built-in. There are several threads on how to install a digital thermostat.

    The Energy Star rated stat I installed has this feature (wont restart AC for 5 minutes) and it keeps the temps in a tight tolerance. Made both heat and AC work so much nicer.
  • I was hoping maybe someone has already done this. But if not I'll look for a schematic for the ac and dope out the wiring.

    If I get it to work maybe I'll post some directions on the conversion for anyone else needing to do this.

    Thanks again
  • Many digital thermostats have a delay built in, just to eliminate the start against head situation. If you are handy, you should be able to mount a wall thermostat and switch the operation of the a/c off the built-in. There are several threads on how to install a digital thermostat.
  • I did install an spp 6 cap and that did not help. I then removed that and installed the Kickstart cap and relay and that didn't help. Since the generator goes into overload around 40 amps I have no way to do a good test to see how many amps the compressor needs to start in this locked back pressure situation. I ran an extention card to house but the line drop only gave me 109 volts so I didn't use it.

  • A hard start capacitor along with a delay timer would be a good option