โMay-22-2018 12:47 PM
โMay-22-2018 06:25 PM
โMay-22-2018 04:51 PM
โMay-22-2018 04:39 PM
โMay-22-2018 04:02 PM
โMay-22-2018 03:48 PM
โMay-22-2018 03:34 PM
DrewE wrote:
RMS vs peak and the square root of two have to do with averaging a sine wave and having the equivalent steady-state value over time--integrating over time, basically. AC voltages and currents are generally expressed as RMS values, and these are related to the peak values by the conversion factor. They're expressed as RMS values precisely because it enables one to use standard basic DC laws to compute things like power or Ohm's law and get the correct answers for resistive loads (i.e. if the power factor is 1.0). To do otherwise would basically require calculus rather than arithmetic to figure these things, as indeed often is the case with non-sinusoidal waveforms.
AC power in watts is AC Volts (RMS) times AC amps (RMS) for a resistive load. An AC watt can of course accomplish as much work in a given time as a DC watt, since they're both just watts.
For e.g. an electric heater, the power consumption is just the wattage, and would I suppose be RMS watts if you wanted to integrate the instantaneous power consumption over the course of one or more AC cycles. Nearly always for power we're talking about more or less steady-state operation, so such integration is assumed.
If the inverter is 100% efficient, by definition the power going in will be the same as the power going out, and your DC power consumption will be exactly the same as the AC power output.
โMay-22-2018 03:32 PM
BFL13 wrote:Be careful using a Kill-A-Watt on a MSW inverter. Mine got very hot and blew an internal fuse.
This looks like a job for Mr Kill A Watt!!! Look, up in the sky....
โMay-22-2018 03:24 PM
โMay-22-2018 02:55 PM
brulaz wrote:
1.414 is the SqRoot of 2, which, I was told on another forum, gives an "approximation" of the AC RMS Watts to DC Watts.DC Watts = Voltage X Amperage
AC Watts expressed in terms of DC = Volts X Amps / sqrt2
RMS Watts (Root Mean Square - the sqrt2 in the AC calculation) is so you have a direct correlation to DC Watts otherwise you'd end up not comparing apples to apples.
Let me rephrase the question:
So to run a 1000W AC RMS load do I need 1414 DC watts?
And does that mean my DC cables should handle an ampacity of 1414/12=118 Amps? (assuming 100% inverter efficiency and battery V drops to 12V)
Or are inverter wattage ratings not RMS?
Thing is, I've only heard of RMS watts in discussions of HiFi equipment and speakers. Never w/r to inverters or other household items. So still confused.
โMay-22-2018 02:50 PM
scrubjaysnest wrote:
The technical answer is AC watts are V*A*cos(theta) where theta is the angle that results from any phase shift caused by the inverter or it's load(s) DC watts on the other hand are pure restrictive, no phase shift.
Probably just using the rule of thumb, DC amps = 10*AC amps is close enough to determine the watts either way.
โMay-22-2018 02:39 PM
brulaz wrote:
1.414 is the SqRoot of 2, which, I was told on another forum, gives an "approximation" of the AC RMS Watts to DC Watts.DC Watts = Voltage X Amperage
AC Watts expressed in terms of DC = Volts X Amps / sqrt2
RMS Watts (Root Mean Square - the sqrt2 in the AC calculation) is so you have a direct correlation to DC Watts otherwise you'd end up not comparing apples to apples.
brulaz wrote:
Let me rephrase the question:
So to run a 1000W AC RMS load do I need 1414 DC watts?
And does that mean my DC cables should handle an ampacity of 1414/12=118 Amps? (assuming 100% inverter efficiency and battery V drops to 12V)
Or are inverter wattage ratings not RMS?
Thing is, I've only heard of RMS watts in discussions of HiFi equipment and speakers. Never w/r to inverters or other household items. So still confused.
โMay-22-2018 02:36 PM
โMay-22-2018 02:28 PM
โMay-22-2018 02:20 PM