smkettner wrote:
cekkk wrote:
After pos ting I realized I should probably go 50 amp so it's ready for our next RV. This for our own TT that guests can use as a guest house. Glad I didn't already order the TT30. It's really more for me than them - I like my privacy in the wee hours. And I did catch the one post that would have it wired for a dryer, 220. No problem there, it'll be 120.
Install both if you like but I cannot imagine spending money just to use an adapter.
Your home, your call.
If the OP expects his next RV to have 50 amp service, why not put it in now, rather than needing to rewire or use an adapter later? Ideally, he could wire for both 30 and 50, but that would add more expense than a simple adapter from Walmart.