joeshmoe wrote:
Purchased two GC-2 Interstates back in Sept. of 2013. For a couple months now, my charger (not the onboard converter/charger) has been telling me "bad battery", cannot charge. Thinking the charger is going out, I put it on several other batteries and it does fine. I have been very diligent about keeping these Interstates on a constant charge since I purchased them, never discharging them below 50%. Do I need to check the individual cells? What should they measure?
Use a good hydrometer, preferably one with an internal thermometer.
A fully charged cell will test at 1.275 to 1.280.
The temperature of the hydrometer reading must be corrected to 80 degrees F (29C).
Draw electrolyte into the hydrometer several times to permit the thermometer to adjust to the to the temperature. A brown or grey coloration is a sign the battery in nearing the end of its life.
Draw enough electrolyte in to float the float and not touch the bottom of the cylinder.
Hold the hydrometer vertically and note the reading where the electrolyte meets the scale on the float.
Add or subtract four points (.004) to the reading for every 10 degrees F (6C) above or below 80 F (27C. Adjust the reading to conform to the electrolyte temperature.
Test each cell and note the readings. A variation of 50 points between any two cells indicates a problem with the low reading cell/cells. An equalization charge may restore the bad boy cell.
Good luck!