Forum Discussion
Just a post in addition to above. An Edit...... Because my OEM thermostat did not work properly, I needed to install this unit hanging from the wall without the Mounting Plate. It worked fine using the Heat Pump, but my Furnace which was needed for coming cold weather did not function properly. (It cycled on and off repeatedly). Well, I thought it was the furnace, so I called a repair person and after trouble shooting the furnace and also removing it and bench tested it came to the conclusion that the thermostat was defective. We confirmed this by taking the wires from the T-stat (Red and white) and hot wiring it together. It worked fine. So, it appears that I also received a defective product.
As and end note, I will say that I did receive a Mounting plate from the company without any communication, and I was able to obtain another thermostat that when installed is operating at 100%. It cost me $260.00 for the Service call.