I fail to see how time in bulk is relevant to time in absorb? At a given voltage, and a given current limit, amps will begin to taper when the bank is at a particular soc. This will not change, whether the the bank was at 50% soc or 70% soc to begin with..
The point at which bulk/cc switches to abs/cv is determined largely by charge rate and Vabs setpoint. How long it takes to get to this point in no way affects how long it will take to get from this point to full.
I have my parameters set such that amps will taper when % C-Rate = % dod, and Amps to bank = Ah's depleted. So, a 45a charge on my 430Ah bank (a 10.5% C-Rate) will result in amps tapering at 10.5% dod (-45Ah's). But the time spent in bulk/cc, before this occurs, does not effect this. A 50-89.5% bulk charge will take about 3.8 hours, while a 70-89.5% bulk charge will take about 1.9 hours. But either way, amps will begin to taper at 89.5% soc/10.5% dod, and will take the same time from there to 100% full, regardless.