The link I gave above to a "four place" digital meter means it will show changes in 0.01 volt increments - as mine in our RV does.
What this means is that, for ever LED in the RV I turn on, my $40 four place voltmeter increments downwards by one (1) in the last place. In other words, each LED turned on reduces the 12V coach battery system's voltage by "around" 10 milli-volts (i.e. 0.01 volts).
Now .... "accuracy" is a different issue.
Four place readout RESOLUTION is what's partially important to me in monitoring what's going on with our RV batteries.
Another important part of monitoring my RV's battery system is the ACCURACY of what voltage the system is at. For this, three places is enough. I figure that a cheap ($40) four place voltmeter probably shows voltage values to three places with pretty good accuracy.