DrewE you are right. I used the battery disconnect while I was testing breakers so I was only working with AC. I didn't want to risk getting confused. Your assessment makes perfect sense now regarding the unlabeled breaker. I re-labeled all the breakers to be 1-13 and printed out what each breaker is for. I'm still not sure why the breaker labeled "washer" is actually for the "Entertainment Center" receptacles and the breaker labeled "Gen 2" is actually for the Washer area receptacle and the 2nd AC breaker does nothing other than to make the one AC unit I have make a "Click" and then nothing else happens (I have no idea why that is). I'm glad I'm getting closer to understanding everything though because if I needed to do some work and turned off a breaker I thought the factory labeled correctly and then found out what I was working on was still "Hot" that wouldn't be a good thing! Maybe a lesson in all this is to not believe what the RV factory writes down is necessarily correct and always test for power even after turning off the breaker so we know without a doubt it's safe to begin working.