Forum Discussion

Thunder_Mountai's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 06, 2014

Bypass valve on heater leaks back

As subject says, the brass bypass valve on the back of the Atwood allows the pink stuff to leak back into the water heater. My question for you folks is can the valve be fixed by replacing an internal washer like a hose bib or old style faucet?
  • Thanks for the replies. Posting pictures is such a pain on this forum. Not sure I could get a camera or phone into the space. I actually have a brass valve with a handle. It is not a check valve. All the pipe connecting the valve to the heater is metal pipe.
  • Look more closely. There is a check valve between the ball valve and the tank. The check valve has failed.

  • Typical 'check valves' used in RV plumbing whether they have a plastic body or a brass body are nothing more than a plunger/spring/o-ring assembly.

    O-ring on end of plunger.....spring held in place with a clip.
    Spring holds plunger closed and o-ring seals.
    Water pressure pushes plunger OPEN.

    O-ring can get shifted out of grove
    O-ring can be torn/deteriorated
    Plunger can get cockeyed

    I hate them because they are plastic junk

    Remove them.......install a shut off valve (Sharkbite) and be done with problems.

    OR get a true check valve (brass swing check) at Home Depot and replace the junk on with an all metal one

    1/2" swing check valve........need short nipples to install

  • can you post a link to a picture? If nothing else You could just replumb the whole thing Menards/ home depot have 1/2" pex 1/4 turn ball ball valves and rings and short lengths of pipe you can get the tool and and supplies for $60 and have a $40 tool to have in emergency. I have carried mine for years and saved quite a few peoples weekends.
  • powderman426 wrote:
    Mine had the check valve that leaked also. I replaced it with a manual valve. Problem solved.

    Mine is a brass gate valve that is more or less hard plumbed onto the back of the hot water heater. Doesn't look like it is an easy removal.
  • Mine had the check valve that leaked also. I replaced it with a manual valve. Problem solved.
  • Not sure about yours but ours is a 1/4 turn ball valve. just cut it out and replace it with a new one 1/2" pex