Forum Discussion

Iamjustaniceguy's avatar
Oct 28, 2014

Can you hook two different kinds of generators together?

We have a Temporary Tattoo and Face painting business so now we spend pretty much all summer "Camping" either at fairs working or relaxing when we can. We got a used KZ Sportsman fifth wheel this fall and I would really like to get a new larger generator (Looking at a Yamaha EF2400IS). What I/we would like to know is has anyone ever hooked a Yamaha and a Honda generator together to power a camper? I honestly think the Yamaha would power everything but it might be nice to have our old Honda 2000i to help out if needed. We know the Honda won't work for everything at least with our old camper it usually wouldn't handle the air conditioning start up.

So if anyone has ever hooked up a Yamaha 2400IS and a Honda 2000i we would love to hear how it worked and what cables you used.
