Worked at a few courses where 6v were used. The regimen was to put all the carts on the chargers every night, even those that were abandoned and had to be towed in .
The charging schedule was no where close to what we do for our RV's. If a cart didn't get charged overnight it was sent out for another round. If it didn't make it to #18, another cart was delivered to the foursome along with apologies. Heck, I had to stop the cart kids from filling the batteries with a garden hose on the cart path outside the locker room entrance. By the time I was dispatched, they had half the path turning white from the electrolyte spilled.
There is usually no one totally in charge of cart and battery maintenance, no one wants the hassle. If the carts don't operate from a dead set that can't be charged, they call someone to deliver a new set. I have many more tales of Golf Course inefficiencies, they operate like money grows on trees.