RV A/C usually has TWO "Run" capacitors. Permanent Split Capacitor = PSC. The MicroFarad (uF) rating for the Compressor (HERM) capacitor is around 40uF and the Fan (FAN) around 5uF. Your unmarked terminal would be the Common (COM).
You have two-way capacitor that provides capacitance for HERM and FAN in one. They are interchangeable with two individual capacitors of the correct value, just the COM of both need to be jumpered together.
I found a
Carrier Service Manual and suggest you download it. Starting Section 4, are wiring diagrams and you can see that HERM/FAN capacitor. It has a PTC device across the HERM and COM terminals.
What bothers me is that I read your OP to read that you are NOT finding a wire on COM already. Is that true, or do you in fact already have wires on all three sets of terminals FAN, HERM, and COM/Unmarked?
Is there a wiring diagram inside your Carrier unit? Does it match the manual I linked?