mike-uswest wrote:
I recently bought a 2019 Ram 2500 TCD and in the truck there is no CD player. I know I am an old timer. I have a Panasonic Cd player that I can hook into the auxiliary hookup and play through the radio. I also have USB ports that I found have 5.1 volts power. It would be nice to hook the external power port on the Panasonic that they have labeled for 4.5 volts to use for the power to not have to replace batteries. When I hooked a cord to it I got a loud hum and chickened out and pulled the plug. I did still have the batteries in the Panasonic though. What I want to know is can I do this without messing something up? Thanks.
Mike, you have the classic symptoms of a "ground loop" which in a nutshell comes from have two or more "grounds" that terminate at different points creating small currents to flow between those points.
Typically the fix is to get the ground points to one central location, but in car stereo applications this is difficult to do.
So, if one can't get the grounds to be the same potential, one must now find a way to isolate..
This is done by a isolation transformer on the audio jacks..
Old school method looked like this..
HEREInside that box is two small 1:1 audio transformers (one for each channel) the transformers break the ground between the CD player and the car stereo..
The downside of the above is you need to use RCA to 1/8 stereo jack cables and it is very bulky..
Now days, they have streamlined this and you can get the isolators in a smaller more compact tube and has 1/8 stereo jacks in and out..
The downside of these very small isolators is the transformers are smaller and may roll off the Bass considerably enough to be noticeable per reviews
HERE so you might wish to consider one of the larger isolators which you could remote mount somewhere hidden.
Once you have isolated the audio ground then powering the CD player via USB jack on your radio or a dedicated 12V power cord for your player should now no longer have buzz and hum which wasn't in the music.
I do miss having a CD player some, but personally have gotten used to ripping my CDs to music files and putting them on USB flash drives.. It is like having a huge juke box in your vehicle and as long as you separate each album in it's own folder it is very easy to navigate manually to each album you want to listen to.