I'll get a couple pics of the setup in the pass through later this am. The charger's hung upside down on the roof of the pass through with the holes facing the door. I've clipped some tester leads to the feed going to the batts so I can always check voltage right there.
The shunt's directly hooked to one of the batteries neg post with a 3" piece of flattened brass tubing with holes drilled in both ends for the post and shunt. It's my understanding that that is as good as it can get. There was definitely something screwy for a 50% reading to be in place of a real 0% SOC. I think it was a recent fluke as the percentage readings to my knowledge have kept pace with actual amp usage. It's a pain to "unpack" the batteries for a SG check but I will be frequently comparing Trimetrics %SOC with SG for a bit.