Wanna go downtown park and shop?
Better leave at 0600 to find a coveted shady parking spot or return to a 140F car interior.
This ain't SF or Seattle or reno or the Santa Cruz mountains or joisee.
Put 3000 watts of panels on the roof to keep the 15K roof A/C fed in the sun and keep interior temps under 105F?
The conversation is about boondocking in now restricted gen hours parking with answering both FAST and COMPLETE charging.
The last thing I am going to do is ruin a 600 dollar set of AGMs with an ART DECO PLASTIC STAR WARS TOY flashing lights pile of snot that itself costs over a hundred dollars and in a word would be most useful as a MOBILE perched over a baby's crib.
I want to charge my batteries FAST with no fuss. Twist a dial and walk off.