Chris Bryant wrote:
Double and triple check the freeze sensor and room sensor to make sure they are plugged in to the correct plugs on the board.
On this year model Newmar, the wall tstat will be the room sensor. Also, WHY did you NOT replace the system like you said your were going to do? You stated you had ordered the parts. ALSO, RUN the Fan only and see if it runs for ever without stopping in the same time frame. Hopefully you did not install the new style Freeze Thermister in place of the old Bi-Metal freeze sensor. The old Board is not capable of reading the New type Freeze Thermisters and will cause operational problems. AS to why it would work after setting. IF you have a burnt/corroded 120 wiring(nuts), it gets HOT and breaks down and when it cools it has continuity again until it gets hot again until it eventually burns apart. Doug