I was getting annoyed by how loud the cooling fan for my converter was so I switched it out with another fan. Problem is, it didn't work, and switching back to the older fan doesn't work either. Gotta stop trying to fix things...
I'm definitely putting enough of a load on it to trip it, and the converter is working fine otherwise. When I measured the voltage the fan is receiving, I only got about 0.5v but I'm not sure if that's just because it isn't tripping as opposed to it just not working.
I'd really rather not have to replace the entire converter just because a $4 part went wrong, does anyone have any ideas of what went happened/what I could do to fix it?
Fan driver transistor gets hotter than snot if load exceeds @ 2 watts. If you stuck, say, a .5 amp 6 watt fan on it, its going to have SDS (sudden death syndrome).
If they priced Wiffies at $10.00, they would not be worth the money. They make better than nothing bench-top power supply but that's really reaching. my $22.00 cheapOwatts make for far-better bench power-supplies.
The WFCOs would turn the fan on when it got hot. I suspect the circuit that does that has failed. I suspect that is a function of the main control board and not worth fixing. New converter time.