The PD and IOTA series converters works like a charm going into SMART MODE when you want them too. I use the PD9260C here for three 12V batteries... Takes care of them automatically even though I continue to watch the fluid levels...
I went to the WFCO Power Distribution setup from the OEM ELIXIR 30AMP model single mode converter which was a big move for me since I had to re-wire all of the 120VAC and 12VDC circuits to circuit breakers and fuses. That part went great with the WF8900 series Power Distriution Panel unit. Then I found out the WF8945 converter would never go into BULK mode no matter what I tried so replaced just the converter part to a PD9260C. I was adding more batteries anyway and needed more available DC Current... So now I have the WFCO WF8900 series power distribution chassis with a PD9260C working with it...
Roy Ken