theoldwizard1 wrote:
I have had hit and miss luck with Seafoam and other additives.
I call BS on blaming CARB/EPA for carburetors NOT being rebuildable. Carburetors kits are available on eBay as are new carburetors. $600 to install a NEW carburetor is close to robbery in my book. They figure if you can afford the rig, you can afford the repair bill
I have torn down and cleaned many small engine carburetors, 4 in the past 2 weeks ! If you are careful and don't ruin any gaskets, NO REBUILD KIT IS REQUIRED !
If you suspect bad fuel, before reinstalling a fresh carburetor, empty the tank, rinse with fresh fuel and install a new fuel filter.
Get me the EXACT model number and I will bet I can find a kit/gaskets.
Well, as a technician for a former Onan service center, we were told DIRECTLY by Onan 25 years ago WHY ONAN does not have rebuild kits and WHY the Carbs are replaced and not fixed. While you "may" be able to find rebuild kits on E bay, they are NOT Onan OEM kits. Onan does not have or sell rebuild kits for RV Gensets built after about 1993 or so. Doug