theoldwizard1 wrote:
Golf car size AGM batteries are not superior versus regular BCI size batteries.
Trojan T105-AGM hold about 5%-10% less energy than the FLA T105.
FLA can tolerate higher charging temperature (which usually comes along with higher charging rates).
I'll make this simpler.
The guts of an AGM BCI group 24, GC220, Group 31, or 8-D are essentially the same. The guts of a flooded battery same group sizes are wildly different between the BCI group sizes. Remeasure WATTAGE then come to me and state the difference between Flooded and Absorbed Glass Mat.
That was NOT THE POINT, the point is whether or not a GC 220 AGM battery is somehow superior to a same company group 24,27, 31, or 8-D size battery. Sorry internals are the same. Polar opposite of flooded.
Charging of any battery FLA or AGM should be severely curtailed at 110F then cease altogether at 120F
Try charging a flooded group 31 at the amperage an AGM thrives on and the hazmat response team will be at your front door before you know it.
Temperature control is achieved totally utterly and completely with voltage regulation for any battery flooded and AGM. I set voltage on my banks, flip the ON switch and walk away. The flooded batteries at 29.6 volts need timing/off control. The AGM at 14.4 can go many hours which at 29.6 the flooded batteries at a certain absorbsion amperage would be overcharging to the point of unacceptable heat rise and electrolyte spillage. My 7% antimony Rolls batteries are far and away more sensitive to the effects of overcharging than the Lifelines are.
We're not talking about "Shake The Bottle And See If They Fight, Dewey" high voltage experiments here. I could rectify 240 volts and give both types of batteries a charging enema they'd never forget. But modern battery chargers are voltage limited. And only a garbage-trashed-bad AGM battery would overheat using the control voltage protocol.
I safely stuff 100 amps into a 100 amp hour AGM.
With my 3300 amp hour Rolls battery bank does this mean I can safely stuff 3300 amps into the depleted Rolls batteries? I can only hope this is of some help for you...