I have my own tales of incompetence and ignorance by sleep study physicians. I had a sleep study immediately after seeing a dentist. I was uncomfortable all night and could not sleep. Finally I dozed off for a few minutes. The study should have been repeated. Instead the physician was elated since I had an AHI of 7. Anything above 5 qualifies for a CPAP. Of course, I also had no snoring, no apnea and O2 levels that were perfectly normal. I visited another specialist physician to have the results reviewed. He decided I had a severe breathing disorder that needed to be looked at by a Pulmonologist. The Pulmonologist told me the second expert did not know what he was talking about and nothing was wrong. Another physician told my wife, that since I had shallow breathing, I might die in my sleep. She was greatly alarmed and woke me up frequently during the night. Of course, months later that ignorant theory was debunked. By then I had bruised ribs. Finally a year later, a second sleep study was done with a home testing unit. The results were as close to perfect as possible. During the process I did a lot of research trying to understand sleep apnea and other related disorders. The whole field is more black magic than science. Clearly there are individuals with severe levels of sleep apnea who really can benefit from a CPAP. Then there are countless others like myself who are prescribed a CPAP needlessly.