As suggested, get the meter or a 120/240VAC test light and open the enclosure for the converter/charger. Check the terminals where the cord is attached.
If no voltage you found the problem.
If 120VAC, go to the output of the main circuit breaker and check voltage.
If no voltage that's your problem.
If there is voltage on the main, but no other CB, remove one of the other breakers and check the buss. If the buss is dead it's either the main CB or the buss. Many main CB's don't have a wire connector they have two poles on the back, one goes to the line the other goes to the buss.
The main can have voltage at the screw holding the load wire(in this case buss and the connection from the screw to the buss can be bad. It can be a loose screw, bad buss connector or a couple of other things but, if the cord is good and the CB is good, it's between the CB and the buss. Sometimes there is proper voltage at the set screw but when a load is applied it opens and no output. So you may have to do this twice. Once with nothing turned on and once with AC or MW turned on.
While it can be dangerous and kill you an electrical system is just like a water system. Water comes in via a pipe and if you have a blockage, no water. In an electrical system, if you have and open wire, no electricity.
If you want more detail PM me and tell me what you want to know.