BFL13 wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
I only run laptops and with MSW there were no visual artifacts. The power bricks did run hotter. Apple laptops do NOT play well with MSW, letting out the magic blue smoke.
A laptop uses a brick so why would an Apple care if were MSW?
Yeah, I call BS on that to.
Just another scare tactic uneducated folks love to spread..
Dirt cheap MSW inverters can be a bit problematic due to much looser tolerances and less harmonic filtering in the output which are most likely where some of these tall tails of death and destruction of electronic items comes from.
Would I intentionally plug anything of value into a $19-$100 cheap inverter, I think not but read on..
Those laptop bricks are the SAME switching power supplies in pretty much every device known to man now days. Switching power supplies do not care what so ever what the waveform looks like and in fact can operate on straight DC if you have enough voltage, typically can operate 100v-250V AC at 50-60hz sinewave, modified sinewave or heck even the old school hardcore SQUAREWAVE with no harm or foul. They are pretty much as universal as you can get.
The first stage of a switching power supply is nothing more than a bridge rectifier to unfiltered DC, then that is run through brute force filtering via some high voltage capacitors.
Then that voltage is fed to a high frequency chopper circuit.
The chopper feeds a small high frequency transformer.
The output of the high frequency transformer is fed to a high speed diode and that output is then brute forced filtered with high microfarad capacitors and the output is fed to your laptop.
The only concession I would make is some devices like lamp dimmers, electronic blanket controllers or any device that uses a solid state Triac may not work well or may be damaged from a MSW. The reason for that is Triac devices MUST switch on/off when the waveform crosses zero volts. MSW typically has a long zero volt crossing and steep ramp up and down.. Other than that, most devices will handle MSW fine..