Wait for it.......wait for it.... ............................................................................. I can hear his footsteps approaching.........
:h 1998 GMC 2500, 10.5 Okanagan, My better/smarter half, George and Finnegan(APBT), all I need.
The 'SiO2' or 'Lead Crystal' batteries the first poster talked about are another flavor of 'sealed' or VRLA lead acid battery. They are essentially the same as Gel Cell but with more jelly (the gel in a gel cell is SiO2 powder) and have about the same characteristics. These have been around for over a decade. There only real advantage is that they can be charged at lower temperatures than regular lead acid batteries, despite what the dodgy marketing says, but they come at a significant premium.
The second post are about lithium batteries with a silica enhanced anode - this is a very recent flavor of lithium battery which shows potential for a fairly substantial increase to the already substantial energy storage of lithium batteries.