Bill.Satellite wrote:
Dave H M wrote:
What Bill says folks.
Wow you been camping all this time without getting the locals off the DTV/satellite? Supposedly you can just get that accomplished on the web site.
I am old fashioned and call them to have my service address changed to where I am located. :B
I am not aware of being able to change your locals on line but I use the chat function with the specific wording that I am in an RV, changed locations, need ONLY the service address updated and the address I want to use. Give it all to them right up front so they don't have to go through the "how can we hel you" script.
X2 on all of that. I have a boiler plate script. Success rate has been near 100% recently. I have learned to double check my billing address occasionally though. Despite me specifically telling them not to change it, sometimes they have. Fortunately that’s easy to fix.