Bill.Satellite wrote:
Dave H M wrote:
What Bill says folks.
Wow you been camping all this time without getting the locals off the DTV/satellite? Supposedly you can just get that accomplished on the web site.
I am old fashioned and call them to have my service address changed to where I am located. :B
I am not aware of being able to change your locals on line but I use the chat function with the specific wording that I am in an RV, changed locations, need ONLY the service address updated and the address I want to use. Give it all to them right up front so they don't have to go through the "how can we hel you" script.
Bill, I do essentially as you do to, use the chat function to communicate a change of service location with DTV. But ... I have been reluctant to change my service address too often. I have heard in these forums that DTV sometimes takes exception if you change too frequently. How often do you change your service address and have you ever experienced this problem?
Another question: can my DTV Trav'ler be modified to work with Dish? If so, how?