I've been doing the following for years. Never any problems:
I have the "basic": dish/tripod/strength meter/compass.
I have a "passive junction box" (from Camping World) that everything goes thru. Cable,Antenna, VCR/CD player/satellite. Simply push the button you want.
HD is not important to me, but I get a very good picture with my SD box. I have a HD DirecTV box in my living room (for the big flat screen) but a SD box in the bedroom. The bedroom box comes out and goes into the RV. As long as you pay your bill , DirecTV doesn't seem to care. (You will lose your local networks when you leave your home area by about 100 miles. This is called a "spot beam.) But...no matter, if you want the local news, push "ant" simply put up your batwing, aim it and there it is. Otherwise you get everything from 202 (CNN ) on. Why would I want the weather for NJ when I'm in Arizona?
The DirecTV website has a page for the dish aiming instructions for where you want to be.