I was afraid you would ask, but yes I marked the wires with tape, and had it running while sitting out of the box. In putting it back in the box I managed to catch the wires and pull several out. Hooking up the 120 side is easy what was giving me a fit was the 12V side and the relay.
The original problem was a failed cooling unit, diagnosed by hotwiring the heating elment wires, which I replaced with one of the amish built ones. As luck would have it, the pics I did take don't depict some views that I would like to have. I reconnected the LP yesterday and it has been running without an issue on that, just not getting as cold as I would like, but it has only been a bout 18 hours.
I spoke with a friend who is an RVer and electrician yesterday and based on that conversation, I have 120 at the fuse but nothing where the element plugs in, so I am beginning to think it is a bad board. I do have a new one now that I am going to plug in this afternoon.
Yes a lawyer for 37+ years, but retiring in 2 months. As far as razing me, my wife has been doing that quite well over this issue :(. We are leaving for a month next weekend and she is not a happy woman with me right now.
Ron S